Forside / About us / Work with us

Job and Carreer

Oxfam Denmark is a movement of people who provide support to civil society and, in collaboration with our partners, fight inequality and poverty in the Global South.

Oxfam Denmark is the Danish part of one of the world's most influential civil society organizations Oxfam. We do development for more than DKK 300 million a year and have 80 employees at our workplace right next to City Hall Square in Copenhagen.

We are part of an international association of 20 organizations working together with partners and local communities in more than 90 countries. All our work is guided by three core values: Empowerment, Accountability, Inclusiveness.

Vacant positions
Here you can get an overview of Oxfam Denmark' vacant positions. This is also where you will find internship and student positions when we are looking for some.
See vacant positions
Become an intern
Students can spend between 3 and 6 months at Oxfam Denmark's office. Read here how you can get an internship with us.
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